Legal notice
The Company
CMR – Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH
Südliche Münchner Straße 4
D-82031 Grünwald
Tel.: 089 – 92 40 14 05
Fax: 089 – 99 91 99 24
Registered head office
Munich - Munich Local Court (Amtsgericht München) HRB 139924
Legal form
Limited liability company organised under German law
Managing director
Klaus ChristiansCopyright
The images, texts and/or graphics on the website are protected by copyright. The copyright for published, self-produced items is held exclusively by CMR - Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH. No part of the content of this website may be duplicated or used in other electronic or printed publications without its written approval.
CMR - Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH assumes no warranty of any kind for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the company on grounds of damage or loss of a material or non-material nature caused by the use or non-use of the information supplied and/or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information shall be excluded in principle unless CMR Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH can be proven guilty of wilful intent.
CMR - Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH shall not be liable for the content of any direct or indirect references to other Internet pages (links) for which it is not responsible. The provider of the linked webpage shall be solely liable in the event of illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and especially in the event of loss or damage arising from the use or non-use of such information. CMR Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH herewith declares explicitly that, at the time of the linking, the linked pages concerned were, to its knowledge, free of illegal content. CMR Corporate Management Recruiting GmbH has no influence on the current or future design, content or copyright of the linked/connected pages. Hence, the company herewith dissociates itself explicitly from any content of the linked/ connected pages that was modified after linking.
Insofar as parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or do not completely comply with the current legal situation, this shall not affect the content or validity of the remaining parts thereof.