The way we operate
Each personnel decision is associated with the expectation of a gain in technical know-how and profit potential. Decision-makers expect position and candidate profiles to optimally match.
Our knowledge of our customers forms the basis for our work. The goal is to get acquainted with the sector, strategy, structure and corporate culture of our customers. This enables us to define requirements and task descriptions.
Companies are provided with advice which is specially tailored to the technical requirements, the customary procedures in the sector and their own corporate cultures.
Thanks to our experience and sectoral knowledge, we have at our disposal a network of parties who place confidence in us. This gives us access to interesting and specific market information and pointers to suitable contacts.
When interviewing candidates, the objective is to vet high performers as to their current professional knowledge and experience, the achievements they are personally responsible for, and their personal abilities, interests and aptitudes.
It is also crucial that candidates be assessed on their potential. This will reflect their capacity for further development to enable them to assume further responsibilities as the company evolves.